Air conditioning

How to save on energy and money on your air conditioning

How to save on energy and money A hot humid day or a freezing cold night can be made comfortable through the use of an air-conditioner, often resulting in an extremely high electric bill. Proper maintenance and positioning can help improve the running of the unit and therefore reduce your bill. Read on to know…

Air conditioning repairs

The importance of air conditioner maintenance

The importance of air conditioner maintenance An air conditioning unit is design to withstand any abuse from extreme temperatures and physical force, but it loses its efficiency to control the room temperature over time. Read on to know the importance in maintaining your air conditioner. Health and safety Air conditioning  units create an ideal environment…

Allcool residential bg

Energex savings promotion for Panasonic Air Conditioners

Energex savings promotion for Panasonic Air Conditioners Energex and Panasonic are saving you money in many ways. Read on to know how a Peak Smart Air conditioning Panasonic model will benefit you. Peak Smart Air Conditioning Power companies including Energex developed a new Demand Response Management or DRM technology to respond to the incredibly high…
